Friday, February 13, 2009

Steps to follow when Mobile phone Dropped in Water:

Water is the first enemy of mobile phone, so be aware of mobile phone and keep away from water. Whether, When the handset is dropped in water. These are all the steps to be followed immediately.

1. Take a handset from the water and open it.
2. Remove the battery and sim card from the handset
3. Then remove all the screws of the handset.
4. Then remove the pannel of the mobile phone.
5. clean the water from the mobile phone neately.
6. Then the parts of the mobile phone should be kept in a sun or heat places to make the parts dry.
7. After some times take the parts of the mobile and clean in a dry cloth.
8. Then fix the parts.
9. Then switch on the mobile. The mobile will be in a working condition.

These are all the 9 steps to be followed while mobile dropped in a water

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