Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Major Menus of Mobile Phones:

The menus of the mobile phones is mainly common to all the companies and some companies launch a product of hi-5 model this kind of mobile may have some more features than the other mobiles. Mainly all the mobile consist of

1. Message Directory: Were the message consists of create message, inbox, outbox, send items, saved items, message recipt, message settings etc.

2. Phone Directory: These phone directory consists of missed call, received call, dialled numbers, Phone directory settings and etc.

3. Contact directory: This contact directory is only for the adding of contact members for your purpose. This contact also have a limitation if it cross the limtiation the contact members cannot be added.

4. Settings: This is the main part of the mobile phones, were to change the setting of the phones to any mode and the theme etc.

These 4 menus is the main role for the mobile phones to process without these four menus the company will not launch any software for their purposes. This are all the major menus of mobile phones.

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